Annie Leibovitz at Work / I’ll Bet You’ll Enjoy This Book

Part of the reason why I love photography so much is it allows me to express my vision and emotions into a single image.  Finding out what other photographers love and are passionate about makes me a better photographer.  Annie Leibovitz’s book entitled: Annie Liebovitz at Work is an amazing read.  My friend Noel who works at Vistek lent it to me and I finally got a chance to start it.  Two days later I was finished.  I’m not a fast reader at all so it speaks to how well the book captivated me.  It’s an easy read and I’d recommend it to anyone who is interested in not only photography but also the life of Annie Leibovitz.

Photo courtesy of

Her book starts out with early beginnings as a child and how photography became part of Leibovitz’s life.  From going to school in San Francisco to starting work at a little, start-up magazine called Rolling Stone and then to all her work with celebrities, politicians and even her family.  The book is full of useful inspiration for any emerging photographer and even the seasoned vet.  Checking out this book is a great way to spend time as an alternative to the Partypoker craze that’s been happening as of late.  Part of the wonder of this book is how she is able to show how her confidence blossomed as an artist.  Behind the scenes anecodotes to her shoots are great bits of insight to the working photographer.

Photos copyright Annie Leibovitz

If I were a betting man I’d say you’ll love this book if you are a photographer or just anyone that’s interested in the creative process of a great master of her art.

Image courtesy of

After reading this book next on the agenda will be the Life Through a Lens documentary.   Stay tuned for my review on it.

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