Second Skin & Other Anecdotes / Exhibition at Inglewood Fine Arts

It’s been quite awhile since my last post. A lot of life events have happened in 2017. The most notable, I’m now a father!! More about that later as I get back into a regular schedule of posting the latest photography news. Now about my latest work… Second Skin & Other Anecdotes In the 1970’s […]
2017 Capture Photography Festival / Vancouver Photo Book Fair

For the entire month of April, photographic art from local and international photo-based artists will be on display in Vancouver, BC. The fourth annual Capture Photography Festival proves to be a very exciting show of more than 100 photography exhibitions in 70 galleries, public art and photo events. In the very short time frame of five years, […]
Vertigo Theatre Exhibition / January to June 2017

A few of my prints from the Slice of Life series was selected for a six month exhibition (January to June, 2017) in the Vertigo Theatre lobby. If you’re planning on checking out one of their many superb plays, enjoy the artwork in the lobby before or after the performance!
Third Dawn / New Print Release

It has been quite some time since I’ve released a new print. Throughout this time I have been actively shooting for the Slice of Life series; I just haven’t had time to share them. Third Dawn was shot New Year’s Day, 2015. The New Dawn series is a set of images that I’ve captured during […]
2017 Exposure Photography Festival Picks

February 1st, 2017 marked he first day of the 2017 Exposure Photography Festival. Last year I did a post of my favourite exhibitions and events. With the festival in its 13th year it has a wide range of exhibitions with some events to keep you busy all month long. Unfortunately I won’t be able to […]
Adobe MAX 2016 / Project Sneak Peeks

If you were fortunate enough to be at Adobe Max this year you were privy to a lot of new features coming down the Adobe pipe. For those like me, who were unfortunate to be stuck at home, Adobe has posted a few videos on YouTube. Here are just a few of my favourite features […]
Collide – Synaesthetic Art Installation / Onformative

Collide – digital art installation from onformative on Vimeo. Collide is a synaesthetic art installation by the creative team Onformative. Collide was created to be an immersive experience of sound, motion and colour. With a 54-channel sound system the user can get lost and submerge themselves in a sea of sound. The 62-foot long digital ribbon […]
Competitions are for horses / Béla Bartók Quote

I recently came across a supposed (can’t be confirmed) quote by Béla Bartók, a famous Hungarian composer and pianist: “Competitions are for horses, not artists.” This statement may or may not have come from Bartók; I could not find any reputable origins or interviews on the topic. Regardless of its accuracy, the phrase struck a chord […]
2016 Exposure Photography Festival

The 2016 Exposure Photography Festival is in full swing and besides the PULSE show that I’m a part of, I thought I’d share with you some exhibits that I have already seen or recommend seeing in the Southern Alberta area. EXHIBITIONS Focus 2016! The Foothills Camera Club is showcasing the work of its members through […]
Spotlight / Andrew Millar

I met Andrew in 2014 when we began planning our group show, Realities Apart. Inglewood Fine Arts liked how our abstract styles complimented each other and so we did a talk on our artistic process. Andrew has a great eye and esthetic for seeing the abstract world. I’m happy to call him a friend and […]
Spotlight / Royce Howland

Royce is quite active in the teaching side of photography, holding printing workshops and authoring many articles. Before meeting him in person I already had heard of him through his many articles and through the IRIS Photographic Society of Alberta; a non-profit photographic society he co-founded. I’m very glad to know him and consider him a […]
Spotlight / Anne-Laure Autin

I met Anne-Laure a few years ago when we used to both shoot in the wedding industry in Calgary. I am captivated by how well she is able to bring out the essence of her subjects whist projecting her thoughts and emotions into the portrait. We’ve become good friends and can easily spend a whole afternoon […]
PULSE Photography Exhibition

The Alberta Exposure Photography Festival is in its 12th year and I am happy to announce I will be joining some great talent in a group show during the festival. PULSE is a group photography exhibition between myself and three other photographers at Inglewood Fine Arts in Calgary. Leading up to the opening on Friday, […]
One Night Only Studio Open House & Sale / OPEN

On Friday, November 20th we are having an open house at Untitled Studios. I will have some older and discontinued prints on display heavily discounted for this one night only. I will be giving framing demos to anyone interested and we’ll have food and drinks available. The live music will be provided by Ryan Bourne and […]
Making a Good Print Great / Resolve Photo Workshop

In these days of 4K resolutions, OLED displays and curved screens, there is still nothing that compares to a well printed photograph on carefully chosen paper. Resolve Photo has been an integral part of my work flow for my fine art work since 2010. When Costas at Resolve Photo suggested I take one of the Open […]
Forever is Part of the NPS Exhibition Tour

I’m happy to announce my image Forever was selected to part of the Nikon Professional Services (NPS) 2015 Exhibition Tour. The exhibition tour is a curated show consisting of NPS members. The tour will go across Canada; exhibits will be held in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver. If you would like to attend the event send me an […]
Burning Man 2015 / A First Timer’s Perspective on the Best Place on Earth

A few weeks ago I spent some time at Black Rock City, Nevada. To those who aren’t familiar with Black Rock City, it is a temporary city of approximately 70,000 people. You may of heard of it as: Burning Man. Here are a few highlights and my perspective as a first time Burner. Or, if […]
Open Image 2015 at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

I’m happy to announce that one of my images, Coming of Age is currently on display at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. It is part of a juried group show of 25 Alberta visual artists organized by Visual Arts Alberta (CARFAC). It will be there until September 27th. After Calgary, the show will be travelling to […]
Riveting Trash-Based Photographs With Environmental Significance / My Modern Met Article

My Modern Met has featured Alejandro Durán’s Washed Up series. The series depicts Durán’s take on environmental issues that are currently in Sian Ka’an, Mexico’s largest federally-protected reserve. Durán explains, “The resulting photo series depicts a new form of colonization by consumerism, where even undeveloped land is not safe from the far-reaching impact of […]
Setting Sails / New Print Release

The newest release in my Slice of Life series is entitled Setting Sails. I created this image while Aiofe and I were on our honeymoon in Cuba last year. I noticed the wildly vibrant colours of the wind sails against the backdrop of the sky. To me, this image is an abstract representation of moving on […]
Desolation Photographs by Scott Dimond / Opening Reception

Scott Dimond is a photographer based in Calgary, Alberta. He likes to photograph landscapes, particularly natural scenes at sunrise/sunset. Scott also photographs abandoned sites, weather old rural homesteads or large industrial complexes (1). The topic of his latest show (at Resolve Photo) is Desolation and can be viewed at the opening reception, Thursday, April 9th, […]
Pictures from Realities Apart and Instant Two Opening Receptions & Talk / Thank you!

I wanted to thank everyone who came out to my openings this month. Instant Two showing alongside Patrick Rochon and Michael Sturgeon at Endeavor Arts Gallery. Also, Realities Apart, a group show with Andrew Millar at Inglewood Fine Arts. This Saturday, February 28th is the last day to check out the work. I’ll be attending […]
Realities Apart Reception & Talk / February 21st, 2015

This Saturday, February 21st, 2015, Andrew Millar and I will be at Inglewood Fine Arts for our reception and talk. We’ll be presenting and discussing our work and the group show entitled Realities Apart. Realities Apart is part of the month long Exposure Photography Festival here in Alberta. The exhibition is from January 31st till February […]
Q&A / Venues for Showing and Selling Art for Emerging Artists

Hey Jeff! I was wondering if I could bug you for some advice. My friend wants to have a gallery night for his work. I was wondering how and where we could get a venue to hold such a thing? Do you have any recommendations or advice? Thanks in advance! The first thing I would […]