Happy Halloween 2014 / Enjoy Every Moment

This image was from a music festival called Shambhala that I have been shooting for the past couple of years. 2014 was my fifth year there. It’s moments like these that make me go back. I still remember this moment well. We were getting ready at our camp when I saw just the slight sliver […]
Pop Photo 2014 Readers Mobile Photo Contest Finalists

Popular Photography magazine puts on many contests. The 2014 Readers Mobile Photo Contest shows times have changed. Phone photography is no longer left for the selfies and grocery lists. Phone photography has become a field of expertise. Besides, imagine the possibilities when the best camera is the one that’s with you. Click here for the […]
Peak Designs Leash Camera Strap Unboxing Video

A couple of weeks ago I ordered the Leash camera strap from Peak Design. Peak Design makes accessories targeted for the outdoor and/or adventure photographer. In addition to the Leash camera strap, they make the Capture camera clips and various other accessories. I was mainly interested in the removable anchors, allowing you to go from […]
Hecktic Travels / 2014 National Geographic Travelers of the Year

Dalene and Pete Heck go by a simple motto, No possessions. No plans. Just travel. As simple as that may sound on paper, there are so many things that make this creed difficult to abide by. In 2009 they sold everything they owned, packed a few essentials into their backpacks and headed for South America. […]
Babel Death Star Going to Visible Verse Festival in Vancouver

Earlier this year I released a short film project along with Calgary Poet and good friend, Kirk Ramdath. Our film, Babel Death Star made the 2014 Visible Verse Festival in Vancouver. We will be going to Vancouver this weekend to see the short film on the big screen. The festival is a one […]
Fuji X30 Unboxing Video

Last week I picked up the new Fuji X30 as a replacement to my everyday camera, the Fuji X10. I’ve had the Fuji X10 for quite some time now and it had started to give me some focusing issues and sometimes it didn’t even power up (have to turn it off and on a few […]
Beakerhead 2014 Photos / A smash up of art, science and engineering

When I first heard about Beakerhead late last year I instantly wanted to be a part of it. There’s nothing quite like Beakerhead, it’s a perfect smash up of art, science and engineering. These three elements create the perfect combination to capture some interesting photos. I was too late to get involved with them last […]