Live Instagram Photos of Calgary & Alberta Flood

One of the great things about blending social media into photography is how we can share our images instantly. Here is a real time feed of Instagram photos of the flooding in Calgary and Alberta. The feed is pulling the following tags: #flood, #flooded, #flooding, #yyc, #calgary, #yycflood, #abflood, #yychelps Hit REFRESH on your browser if […]
How To Get A Photo Pass for Concerts

Brad Moore is a concert and entertainment photographer from Tampa. In this 500px blog post he talks about how you would go about getting a press/photo pass for concerts. This 500px article talks about how you go about shooting concert photos, finding alternative venues, contacting media, getting the pass, big shows vs. small shows. Click here for […]
Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner

Photojojo is selling a new Lomography smartphone film scanner. It’s a fun new way to get your 35mm negatives (or positives) scanned. The resolution won’t be as great as a flatbed scanner but for most uses it’s enough. It turns your negative into a positive before you snap a pic of your image. It also […]
Craft & Vision eBook | Lightroom 5 Up to Speed

Everything You Need to Know About the Adobe Lightroom 5 Upgrade Lightroom 5 Up to Speed is written by an Adobe Certified Expert who shows you all the new features and how to get started using the new tools. This 77-page eBook, and the companion videos (50+ minutes), will help you get up to speed with […]
Tips for New Photographers

Quite often I get emails asking how to break into the photography business. Photography is regarded as a cool profession. That being said, most people don’t realize the tremendous work involved in being a professional freelance photographer. There’s so much to being a photographer than just creating images. Marketing, accounting, bookkeeping, sales are all part […]