Wax Poetry & Art Magazine / Photo Contest

Wax Poetry & Art Magazine is having their first photography contest. All Canadian photographers are invited to submit photographs for the first Photography Contest from Wax Poetry and Art Magazine. Photographers of every level of experience are invited to participate in this free contest. There will be a cash prize awarded! For full contest details […]
Movie Recommendation / Everybody Street

I love movies. In fact I get a lot of my inspiration from movies. When I saw the movie trailer for Everybody Street it got me excited to see it. I really admire street photographers. It takes a special kind of person to walk around cities snapping pictures of strangers (usually without permission). Here’s the […]
What Constitutes Original Art? / Artist Discrimination

The Vulgar Photographer Chase Jarvis wrote a very informative blog post in December of 2012 entitled “the Vulgar Photographer – Trespasser on the Sacred Ground of Fine Art”. Read the article and you’ll get my point when it comes to what people consider fine art. I consider my photographs from the JCFA collection fine art. […]
Vote and Help Donate to the Canadian Red Cross Alberta Floods

Flooding in Alberta Last month my home province was hit with the worst flooding in history. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced from their homes. Canadian Red Cross Alberta Floods I put a call out that I would donate 25% of all my print sales in July to the Canadian Red Cross Alberta Floods […]
What Inspires You? Pt. 5 / The Dream of Life

A few months ago I posted What Inspires You Pt. 4 which was a speech by Dave Grohl. For the next installment of What Insprires You I’d like to share a video made with the teachings of the late Alan Watts. Watts was a British-born philosopher, writer and speaker. He is known for popularizing Eastern […]
Adobe Creative Cloud: Hook, Line, and Sinker

The start of Adobe’s demise Last year Adobe Systems Incorporated announced something big. Adobe products are the industry standard when it comes to digital image editing. Photoshop CS is a flagship product that leads the market in image editing software. Photoshop and/or Lightroom is used by almost all serious photographers and image creators. Myself, I’ve […]
July Desktop Wallpaper / Island Life – Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day everyone! To celebrate Canada’s beauty in the Rocky Mountains, this month’s free desktop wallpaper is an image I created out in Yoho National Park. I arrived at the location I scouted days before wanting to capture the iconic first bit of golden light on the mountain tops. I waited and waited finally […]