2017 Capture Photography Festival / Vancouver Photo Book Fair

For the entire month of April, photographic art from local and international photo-based artists will be on display in Vancouver, BC. The fourth annual Capture Photography Festival proves to be a very exciting show of more than 100 photography exhibitions in 70 galleries, public art and photo events. In the very short time frame of five years, […]
2017 Exposure Photography Festival Picks

February 1st, 2017 marked he first day of the 2017 Exposure Photography Festival. Last year I did a post of my favourite exhibitions and events. With the festival in its 13th year it has a wide range of exhibitions with some events to keep you busy all month long. Unfortunately I won’t be able to […]
Unique by Nature / Cover and Story Photos for Domus Magazine

I’m always happy to do work with Domus as I love architecture and enjoy seeing people’s homes and how they live. I’m even happier when I get to shoot a unique, custom-made home that fits the owner’s lifestyle perfectly. Story by: Pepper Rodriguez Photography by: Jeff Cruz I really believe your home […]
Hungry Planet: What the World Eats / Photobook

Hungry Planet: What the World Eats is a photo book project first published in 2007. Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio traveled around the world to research what families ate, how they cooked and the costs of their food for one week. As of this year, the book is just about a decade old; it seems […]
One Night Only Studio Open House & Sale / OPEN

On Friday, November 20th we are having an open house at Untitled Studios. I will have some older and discontinued prints on display heavily discounted for this one night only. I will be giving framing demos to anyone interested and we’ll have food and drinks available. The live music will be provided by Ryan Bourne and […]
Making a Good Print Great / Resolve Photo Workshop

In these days of 4K resolutions, OLED displays and curved screens, there is still nothing that compares to a well printed photograph on carefully chosen paper. Resolve Photo has been an integral part of my work flow for my fine art work since 2010. When Costas at Resolve Photo suggested I take one of the Open […]
Forever is Part of the NPS Exhibition Tour

I’m happy to announce my image Forever was selected to part of the Nikon Professional Services (NPS) 2015 Exhibition Tour. The exhibition tour is a curated show consisting of NPS members. The tour will go across Canada; exhibits will be held in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver. If you would like to attend the event send me an […]
Burning Man 2015 / A First Timer’s Perspective on the Best Place on Earth

A few weeks ago I spent some time at Black Rock City, Nevada. To those who aren’t familiar with Black Rock City, it is a temporary city of approximately 70,000 people. You may of heard of it as: Burning Man. Here are a few highlights and my perspective as a first time Burner. Or, if […]
Setting Sails / New Print Release

The newest release in my Slice of Life series is entitled Setting Sails. I created this image while Aiofe and I were on our honeymoon in Cuba last year. I noticed the wildly vibrant colours of the wind sails against the backdrop of the sky. To me, this image is an abstract representation of moving on […]
Desolation Photographs by Scott Dimond / Opening Reception

Scott Dimond is a photographer based in Calgary, Alberta. He likes to photograph landscapes, particularly natural scenes at sunrise/sunset. Scott also photographs abandoned sites, weather old rural homesteads or large industrial complexes (1). The topic of his latest show (at Resolve Photo) is Desolation and can be viewed at the opening reception, Thursday, April 9th, […]
Vote for AN.X.O Web Series / Production Stills

AN.X.O is a new web series by writer and producer, Vincent T. Joachim. Vincent is a multi-talented creative who has been a long time friend. I can honestly say I would not be where I am if was not for his guidance early on in my photography career. AN.X.O needs your help. Please vote for […]
Pictures from Realities Apart and Instant Two Opening Receptions & Talk / Thank you!

I wanted to thank everyone who came out to my openings this month. Instant Two showing alongside Patrick Rochon and Michael Sturgeon at Endeavor Arts Gallery. Also, Realities Apart, a group show with Andrew Millar at Inglewood Fine Arts. This Saturday, February 28th is the last day to check out the work. I’ll be attending […]
2015 Gallery Schedule / New Print Releases

I’m happy to announce I’m booked for 3 exhibitions next year. I’m very excited to be returning to the wonderful Endeavor Arts gallery and event space during Exposure Photography Festival in February. Inglewood Fine Arts has also invited me to show my latest abstract work alongside esteemed photographer, Andrew Millar. I am also happy to say […]
100 Years 100 Faces / Life As a Human Article

Life as a Human is a human interest magazine for evolving minds. I was approached by Life as a Human to be a guest blogger. My photo essay, 100 Years 100 Faces of the Stampede was published by them last week. Click here to read the full article.
Happy Halloween 2014 / Enjoy Every Moment

This image was from a music festival called Shambhala that I have been shooting for the past couple of years. 2014 was my fifth year there. It’s moments like these that make me go back. I still remember this moment well. We were getting ready at our camp when I saw just the slight sliver […]
Pop Photo 2014 Readers Mobile Photo Contest Finalists

Popular Photography magazine puts on many contests. The 2014 Readers Mobile Photo Contest shows times have changed. Phone photography is no longer left for the selfies and grocery lists. Phone photography has become a field of expertise. Besides, imagine the possibilities when the best camera is the one that’s with you. Click here for the […]
Can You Still Make Money With Stock Photography?

The allure of making millions from your vacation photos drives a lot of people to join stock photo agencies. Think about it. You’ve taken a hundred photos on your trip to Cuba and now you are able to submit a couple good ones to an agency like iStock or Shutterstock. You upload your photos and […]
Lost Cities to Photograph

Troy, Knossos, Gedi, Tanis, Angkor, Alexandria, all of these cities have one thing in common. They are lost cities. As a landscape photographer I am always on the lookout for unique places to shoot. How many of these cities (still standing) are on your bucket list to see? Check out this interesting guide to lost […]
What to Do if Someone Steals Your Photo on Facebook

Using Photos from Facebook As a photographer I’m flattered when someone decides to use my photo for their personal use. It shows that they enjoy it enough to show their network of friends. For me, it becomes a problem or a point of contention, when either of the following happens: 1) Cropping out the watermark […]
Thought Provoking Photos of People Lying in a Week’s Worth of Their Trash / Gregg Segal

Photographer Gregg Segal has created an ongoing series entitled, “7 Days of Garbage”, which shows Californian friends, neighbors, and relative strangers lying in the trash they created in one week. The images are well done and meticulously laid out. The images, to me, evoke thoughts of the environment and our role in the ecosphere. Click here to […]
Mother, Father, And Son Photograph Themselves Once a Year for 21 Years

For 21 years the same mother, father and son have had photos of themselves in the same pose, same lighting, same backdrop, every year. It’s interesting to see their expressions, facial features, clothing, etc. change over time. Click on the image to see all the images via The Meta Picture. The first picture in 1991…..
Mothers and Daughters / International Women’s Day

Last week, on March 8th, it was International Women’s Day. It was a day to celebrate, reflect and nurture the achievements of women. In Focus with Alan Taylor decided to run a story of photos of mothers with their daughters. The images are heart warming. The love shared between a mother and daughter is universal, […]
Vault Photomag / Magazine Launch

If you’re finding something to do this Thursday evening check out the Vault Photomag launch event. Last year I was approached by photographer and editor / publisher of Vault. Vault was started by Kurtis Martyn to be an on-line resource to showcase photographers from around the world. To celebrate the premier printed issue of Vault […]
Festival Nation / Photography Exhibit

View & Purchase Artwork Closing Reception Information FESTIVAL NATION is a long-term project that explores the emerging culture and movement of transformative gatherings, through multiple themes. This first series explores the theme of Celebration. The celebration atmosphere, created with the music, costumes, and visuals first attracts many to these transformative gatherings. For thousands of years […]