Nikon D800 First Impressions With Test Shot / It Was Worth the Wait

I’m sure everyone’s heard by now that the Nikon D800’s and D4’s were shipped last week (click here to read my post about the Nikon D4). Only a few trickled into some stores here in Calgary and I was one of the fortunate few to get one. I have to admit that I did jump […]
Kababayan Spotlight: Domingo Lumanog / Calgary’s Filipino-Canadian fashion stylist

In January I blogged about the photo shoot I decided to do with my point and shoot style camera the Fuji X10. The shoot was an editorial shoot with the always fashionable stylist Domingo Lumanog. Domingo recently picked up and moved to Toronto so Calgary is missing him dearly. The article was released this month in […]
Instant Art Opening Reception / Thanks for Attending!

Two Fridays ago on February 17th, 2012 we had the opening reception to show the work from my latest project, Instant Art. I wanted to thank everyone that attended or that’s gone to see the exhibit since then. The last day to see the work is this Sunday, March 4th. The list of guests is […]
Have Fun In Everything You Do / Filipino Traffic Cop Doing His Job Like A Boss
This is a quick post to share a really strong philosophy of mine. I try to have fun with whatever I’m doing. No matter if it’s vacuuming the carpet, organizing my closet or staring at a computer screen editing photos I’d rather be behind the camera capturing images. I’d be doing photography 24/7 if I could. […]