Back From Burning Man / Teaser Pictures

As I’m writing this post it has already been over three weeks since I left the Playa which is home to Black Rock City. Playa is a term used to describe the vast area of flat, dried up land that hosts art cars, art installations, music and structures that are set on fire. Here are […]
Hungry Planet: What the World Eats / Photobook

Hungry Planet: What the World Eats is a photo book project first published in 2007. Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio traveled around the world to research what families ate, how they cooked and the costs of their food for one week. As of this year, the book is just about a decade old; it seems […]
Burning Man 2015 / A First Timer’s Perspective on the Best Place on Earth

A few weeks ago I spent some time at Black Rock City, Nevada. To those who aren’t familiar with Black Rock City, it is a temporary city of approximately 70,000 people. You may of heard of it as: Burning Man. Here are a few highlights and my perspective as a first time Burner. Or, if […]
Setting Sails / New Print Release

The newest release in my Slice of Life series is entitled Setting Sails. I created this image while Aiofe and I were on our honeymoon in Cuba last year. I noticed the wildly vibrant colours of the wind sails against the backdrop of the sky. To me, this image is an abstract representation of moving on […]
Viva Cuba

Aiofe and I finally went on our honeymoon after getting married in Tofino last year. We decided on Cuba because we wanted to experience the country before it became too commercial. The timing was perfect because on December 17th, 2014 the United States announced it would normalize relations with Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution in […]
Island Time / Breathless in Trinidad & Tobago

I love visiting island countries. I believe it’s the allure of seeing the ocean that appeals to me. The laid back lifestyle might also be a distinguishing factor. Back in 2008 I visited Trinidad & Tobago and it started a love affair with island life. A few days ago I perused my Flickr account and […]
Hecktic Travels / 2014 National Geographic Travelers of the Year

Dalene and Pete Heck go by a simple motto, No possessions. No plans. Just travel. As simple as that may sound on paper, there are so many things that make this creed difficult to abide by. In 2009 they sold everything they owned, packed a few essentials into their backpacks and headed for South America. […]
Lost Cities to Photograph

Troy, Knossos, Gedi, Tanis, Angkor, Alexandria, all of these cities have one thing in common. They are lost cities. As a landscape photographer I am always on the lookout for unique places to shoot. How many of these cities (still standing) are on your bucket list to see? Check out this interesting guide to lost […]
Father’s Day Gift Idea / SCOTTeVEST

What is SCOTTeVEST? SCOTTeVEST is a company that specializes in clothing and accessories with pockets in mind. Pockets for anything and everything. From wallets, to passports, phones, mp3 players, cameras, photography gear and more. It’s perfect for a photographer who needs to carry lots of gear with them. It’s also good for travel, it allows […]
December Desktop Wallpaper / Lake O’Hara Sunrise

Instead of the cliché winter scene, for December I thought I would give you a wallpaper that can remind you of what’s in store a few months from now. A cliché spring scene! This year my hometown of Calgary got hit with the worst flooding in its history. Now during the winter months we have […]
October Desktop Wallpaper / Here Comes the Sun

On our trip to Missoula last month Aiofe and I stopped in Glacier National Park twice. On our first stay there we arrived at the St. Mary’s entrance pretty late and so we weren’t able to get a campsite. Sleeping in the car isn’t so bad unless you can’t recline your seats due to your car […]
Photos of Burning Man 2013

In case you weren’t aware of the Burning Man Festival, it’s an annual festival where an estimated 68,000 people gather at the playa of Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. The massive pilgrimage of people form a temporary city for a few days. People attend from all walks of life and all parts of the world to […]
March Desktop Wallpaper / Moonlight Over Minnewanka

Back in December last year (2012) I went on a road trip to Banff National Park with Aiofe and her family. We spent the day hiking out in Johnston Canyon and window shopping at the Banff town site. Aiofe, her mom and sister went to the Banff Hot Springs while I took the opportunity to do […]
November Desktop Wallpaper / McDougall Memorial United Church

I’ve been swamped the past few weeks and so I’ve been delinquent in delivering this month’s free desktop wallpaper. I hope you can all forgive me. The November 2012 free desktop wallpaper is a long exposure of the McDougall Memorial United Church. I’ve been here a few times before but I’ve never had any luck until now. […]
September Wallpaper / Hang on to Summer

OK, so September’s free wallpaper download isn’t going to make headlines like Apple announcing the iPhone 5 today. But because August came and left in a blink of an eye let’s hang on to summer with this month’s wallpaper. In a few weeks, at the end of this month we’ll be wondering where all the […]
Missoula, Montana / Part 1: Big Sky Country

Published by: Mabuhay Calgary February 2012, 5th Edition Volume III Copyright: Mabuhay Calgary Perhaps because of its wide, vast, open land, Montana is known as Big Sky Country. When I heard the famous and talented editorial and commercial photographer Zack Arias would be teaching in a town called Missoula I immediately jumped at the chance to take an […]
July Wallpaper / Happy Canada Day

As Canada Day is fast approaching I’d like to make July’s free wallpaper download related to what most Canadians like to do during Canada Day. Camping is a popular and favourite pastime for Canadians and so I’m offering “Forever” as a downloadable wallpaper. It will fit most displays up to 27″. “Forever” was taken out […]
West Coast Part 3 / Seattle, Coffee Central of the Pacific

Published by: Mabuhay Calgary February 2011, 5th Edition Volume II Copyright: Mabuhay Calgary West Coast Part 3 / Seattle, Coffee Central of the Pacific – Article and Photos by: Jeff Cruz In order to get to Seattle we boarded a United States ferry in Syndey, BC, which is just outside of Victoria. The ferry was […]
I Popped the Question / Our Bermuda Engagement

It was great to come home last week to good weather. Aiofe and I were spoiled with great weather Being in Bermuda for a few weeks. We brought back good weather and good news. We are engaged!! A good friend and great photographer, Jacqueline Elizabeth Morrison was there in Bermuda as well to be my […]
Verde & Scott Bermuda Wedding / Teaser Picture

A good friend of mine from high school moved to Bermuda about six years ago. I was fortunate enough to share the day with them as they asked me to photograph their wedding. Here is a teaser shot. I love this photo so much because it captures the moment, unscripted. And that’s what love is… […]
Bermuda in Black & White / A Mini Project

Which camera should I bring for my holiday? I’ve been in Bermuda for almost a week shooting a wedding this weekend, we decided to arrive a few days early and take in some much needed R&R. Since being on vacation Aiofe and I have gone to many places throughout the beautiful islands of Bermuda. The […]
2011 Cariwest Parade in Edmonton

A few weekends ago I was in Edmonton with Aiofe for the 2011 Cariwest parade. We took a trip out to Jasper and camped there for a few nights then topped it off with a visit in Edmonton. Here are some pictures of the parade. Check out all the pictures on Facebook or on Photoshelter. […]
West Coast Part 2 / In the Capital

Published by: Mabuhay Calgary December 2010, 3rd Edition Volume II Copyright: Mabuhay Calgary West Coast Part 2 / In the Capital – Article and Photos by: Jeff Cruz Our next journey took us to the capital of British Columbia. Victoria is located on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Its metropolitan area houses about 78,000 people […]
West Coast Part 1 / On the Island

Published by: Mabuhay Calgary November 2010, 3rd Edition Volume II Copyright: Mabuhay Calgary West Coast Part 1 / On the Island – Article and Photos by: Jeff Cruz During May long weekendwe decided to take a trip out to the West Coast and see Canada’s beauty on Vancouver Island and parts of Washington. I had […]