Spotlight / Anne-Laure Autin

I met Anne-Laure a few years ago when we used to both shoot in the wedding industry in Calgary. I am captivated by how well she is able to bring out the essence of her subjects whist projecting her thoughts and emotions into the portrait. We’ve become good friends and can easily spend a whole afternoon […]
Happy Holidays & All the Best for 2016!
My how time flies; one day you are reading WordPress for Dummies, trying to start your first blog website and then five years later you are writing your 194th blog entry. I want to wish everyone a very Happy Holidays and all the best for 2016! Instead of a picture, this year I thought I […]
Vote for AN.X.O Web Series / Production Stills

AN.X.O is a new web series by writer and producer, Vincent T. Joachim. Vincent is a multi-talented creative who has been a long time friend. I can honestly say I would not be where I am if was not for his guidance early on in my photography career. AN.X.O needs your help. Please vote for […]
Pictures from Realities Apart and Instant Two Opening Receptions & Talk / Thank you!

I wanted to thank everyone who came out to my openings this month. Instant Two showing alongside Patrick Rochon and Michael Sturgeon at Endeavor Arts Gallery. Also, Realities Apart, a group show with Andrew Millar at Inglewood Fine Arts. This Saturday, February 28th is the last day to check out the work. I’ll be attending […]
Happy Holidays & All the Best for 2015!

I want to thank everyone who takes time to visit and read my blog. Thanks for a great year! Here’s to 2015!! Shambhala is a magical place. You’ll never know who you’ll run into there :)
Studio Open House & Sale / Knock Knock

My studio, located at the Untitled Art Society is having an open house and sale tomorrow, Friday, November 14th (6-11pm). We are located on the 4th floor of 319 10th Avenue SW (use back alley entrance). We’ll have all the member’s studios open for viewing and have a group showing in the halls. There’ll be […]
Canada’s Anti Spam Legislation / More Spam Anyone?

I’ve been publishing the Round Pixel Blog since October, 2010. My promise to you is to never distribute or sell your information. From time to time you’ll be getting photographic news and if you ever wish to be removed from the list you can always do so by clicking the unsubscribe button below each email. […]
Happy Four Year Anniversary / Free Poster Offer

Thanks for a great 4 years! Today marks the four year anniversary of my photography business. On October 15th, 2009 my company was registered. To commemorate this milestone I have released four new prints from the JCFA collection. These group of four images are among the first of my abstraction series. Here they are (click […]
Happy Thanksgiving / 4 Year Anniversary Tomorrow

Happy Thanksgiving!! I wish for you this Thanksgiving to be able to celebrate and enjoy time with your family and friends. Tomorrow (October 15th, 2013) will mark the 4 year anniversary of when I started my photography business. On that day I will be posting an announcement you won’t want to miss. So, thank you […]
Instant Art Featured on Anne Wright Photography Blog / Father’s Day Gift Ideas

I was happy to see that Anne Wright a talented and wonderful photographer in Calgary blogged about Father’s Day emergency gift ideas. With it being only one full day left for Father’s Day if you haven’t gotten your dad anything yet she has some really unique ideas that won’t break the bank. One of the […]
Instant Art Opening Reception / Thanks for Attending!

Two Fridays ago on February 17th, 2012 we had the opening reception to show the work from my latest project, Instant Art. I wanted to thank everyone that attended or that’s gone to see the exhibit since then. The last day to see the work is this Sunday, March 4th. The list of guests is […]
Best Superbowl Commercial of 2012

What makes a Superbowl commercial? You have to be witty, funny, concise, smart and evoke emotion all within about a minute. Not unlike a photograph you have one chance to get your viewers to see your story and feel what you are feeling. The emotion that you get out of watching this commercial is something […]
Winners of Night Out at the Movies! 2011

Back in December we held our yearly contest and I’ve finally rounded up the tweets, Facebook posts and emails. The two winners of the Night Out at the Movies for 2011 is…. drum roll please! Dennis de Jesus Jr. Ross Tabalada Each winner will be getting a movie night out good for two movie passes, […]
Holiday Greeting Card 2011 Contest / Win Free Movie Passes

If you remember last year’s greeting card contest you’ll remember the winners received free movie passes. This year we’re doing the same thing! We’ll be drawing for two sets of movie passes (each pass has two movie tickets, popcorn and two drinks). Contest Rules 1) Post this sentence onto Facebook (copy and paste exactly): Enter […]
Winners of Night Out at the Movies! / Jeff’s Movie Recommendations

Are you like me and still have your Christmas tree sitting in your living room? It’s probably because you’re too busy or don’t want the holidays to end. In any case we are in full swing for the new year and what better way to break the post holiday blues with some good old fashioned […]