Spotlight / Royce Howland

Royce is quite active in the teaching side of photography, holding printing workshops and authoring many articles. Before meeting him in person I already had heard of him through his many articles and through the IRIS Photographic Society of Alberta; a non-profit photographic society he co-founded. I’m very glad to know him and consider him a […]
Using Drones for Dramatic Nature Photos / Popphoto Article

Jon Cornforth of (Popular Photograph Magazine) wrote an article recently on using drones for nature photos. Drones are everywhere these days. They are the newest gadget, fad, trend or whatever you want to call it; and it’s here to stay. It’s just a matter of time until someone uses a drone for wedding photography. […]
Viva Cuba

Aiofe and I finally went on our honeymoon after getting married in Tofino last year. We decided on Cuba because we wanted to experience the country before it became too commercial. The timing was perfect because on December 17th, 2014 the United States announced it would normalize relations with Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution in […]
2015 Gallery Schedule / New Print Releases

I’m happy to announce I’m booked for 3 exhibitions next year. I’m very excited to be returning to the wonderful Endeavor Arts gallery and event space during Exposure Photography Festival in February. Inglewood Fine Arts has also invited me to show my latest abstract work alongside esteemed photographer, Andrew Millar. I am also happy to say […]
Lost Cities to Photograph

Troy, Knossos, Gedi, Tanis, Angkor, Alexandria, all of these cities have one thing in common. They are lost cities. As a landscape photographer I am always on the lookout for unique places to shoot. How many of these cities (still standing) are on your bucket list to see? Check out this interesting guide to lost […]
50 Best Places to Photograph 2014 / Pop Photo

Robert Adams once said, “No place is boring, if you’ve had a good night’s sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film.” This list is anything but boring. One on the list, the Holi Festiavl in Inda. During this spring Hindu love fest, revelers sing, dance, and fling dry paint mixed with water at […]
I Will Be On The Art of Nature Photography / Art Wolfe on CreativeLive

A few months ago I was fortunate enough to be recognized alongside Art Wolfe. Photoshelter Selects chose my image and an image by Art Wolfe to showcase abstract photos. Going to Seattle And today I’d like to announce, I have been fortunate enough to be selected as a member of the live studio audience during […]
Honoured Alongside Art Wolfe

PhotoShelter Selects PhotoShelter is a great business partner. I have been using their image and album hosting tools since 2010. I say they’re my business partner because to me, they are so much more than just an online album service. In addition to their core service, they hold webinars, send out regular eBooks and best […]
Babel Death Star / Online Screening

Babel Death Star is a short film based on the poem by Kirk Ramdath. Babel Death Star appears in Kirk’s book, Love in a Handful of Dust published by Frontenac House. Filmed on location at historic Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump and other locations in southern Alberta. The score is Mistake (Davide Rossi Re-Work – Instrumental) by Moby. […]
eBook / Creative Photography 10 Easy Pieces / Richard Burnaby

I really enjoy reading about my passion and I also love sharing them in the hopes it inspires and delights others too. Here’s another free eBook I found by Richard Burnaby (taken from About the eBook Richard Bernabe offers “Ten Easy Pieces” toward more creative photography in this very informative, fun-to-read book. From making the […]
15 Tips for Low Light Landscape Photography

Night or low light photography can be very challenging but it can also yield some of the most unique landscape images. While most people are indoors or sound asleep you are able to capture the beauty that happens. Improve your night or low light landscape photography instantly with this handy article by Natalie Johnson via […]
Ten Favourite Landscape Images of 2013

In 2008 Jim Goldstein blogged, “10 Ways to Top Your Best 2008 Photographs“. It’s a great tool to use (no matter what year) when trying to narrow down your favourites. Here are my favourite landscape images for 2013 in chronological order: 1. New Dawn Out of sheer luck I was out shooting the very first sunrise […]
December Desktop Wallpaper / Lake O’Hara Sunrise

Instead of the cliché winter scene, for December I thought I would give you a wallpaper that can remind you of what’s in store a few months from now. A cliché spring scene! This year my hometown of Calgary got hit with the worst flooding in its history. Now during the winter months we have […]
November Desktop Wallpaper / Rebirth

October was quite the hectic month. I did a talk for the Foothills Camera Club about inspiration. I shot images at the Calgary Zoo to aid in the post-flood efforts (thanks to Vistek for providing the equipment). I shot out at Emerald Lake in Yoho National park with my Dad. And November is looking like it’s […]
Happy Four Year Anniversary / Free Poster Offer

Thanks for a great 4 years! Today marks the four year anniversary of my photography business. On October 15th, 2009 my company was registered. To commemorate this milestone I have released four new prints from the JCFA collection. These group of four images are among the first of my abstraction series. Here they are (click […]
October Desktop Wallpaper / Here Comes the Sun

On our trip to Missoula last month Aiofe and I stopped in Glacier National Park twice. On our first stay there we arrived at the St. Mary’s entrance pretty late and so we weren’t able to get a campsite. Sleeping in the car isn’t so bad unless you can’t recline your seats due to your car […]
35 and Alive / Glacier National Park

On our way back from Missoula we spent another trip out in Glacier National Park. When I’m surrounded by nature I feel alive. I spent my 35th birthday photographing Glacier National Park, hiking in the woods, sleeping in a tent, making breakfast from a propane stove and spending time with my beautiful wife and soul […]
The Secret to Photographing Waves / Matt Kloskowski

Have you ever thought about the proper techniques when photographing waves in motion? Matt Kloskowski gives a couple valuable techniques to help you capture a great wave/beach shot. Click on the image or here to read more. Matt is a full-time Education Director for Kelby Media Group and a Tampa-based photographer. He’s the Editor of Lightroom Magazine and teaches Photoshop […]
Go Big or Go Home / Glacier National Park

I’ve visited Glacier National Park a few times. Each time I go I come back breathless. This past weekend on the way to Missoula we drove the Going to the Sun highway from the St. Mary’s entrance. I’ll be in Missoula for a week long photography workshop. If you ever needed an excuse to have a […]
September Desktop Wallpaper / Stand by Me

My good friend Dave and I headed out to the Crowsnest Pass area about a month ago and I just finally got a chance to review the images. Dave is a great night photographer and often has great ideas for me. For instance, I left my cable release at home. A good cable release / […]
33 Photos With Powerful Reflections

August has been a busy month and so I took some time off from the blog. To get back into the groove for September I thought I’d share with you some pretty neat reflection images from Popular Photography Magazine. If you remember back in June I visited Lake O’Hara in Yoho National Park for […]
July Desktop Wallpaper / Island Life – Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day everyone! To celebrate Canada’s beauty in the Rocky Mountains, this month’s free desktop wallpaper is an image I created out in Yoho National Park. I arrived at the location I scouted days before wanting to capture the iconic first bit of golden light on the mountain tops. I waited and waited finally […]
May Desktop Wallpaper / Dance to the Morning Light

Before a photo shoot I like to scope out my location. This particular shoot I was scouting for was to have a mountainous background for a car in the foreground. This particular day quite cloudy. It was so cloudy in fact that I couldn’t even see any of the mountains. What do you do when […]
November Desktop Wallpaper / McDougall Memorial United Church

I’ve been swamped the past few weeks and so I’ve been delinquent in delivering this month’s free desktop wallpaper. I hope you can all forgive me. The November 2012 free desktop wallpaper is a long exposure of the McDougall Memorial United Church. I’ve been here a few times before but I’ve never had any luck until now. […]