2016 Exposure Photography Festival

The 2016 Exposure Photography Festival is in full swing and besides the PULSE show that I’m a part of, I thought I’d share with you some exhibits that I have already seen or recommend seeing in the Southern Alberta area. EXHIBITIONS Focus 2016! The Foothills Camera Club is showcasing the work of its members through […]
Spotlight / Andrew Millar

I met Andrew in 2014 when we began planning our group show, Realities Apart. Inglewood Fine Arts liked how our abstract styles complimented each other and so we did a talk on our artistic process. Andrew has a great eye and esthetic for seeing the abstract world. I’m happy to call him a friend and […]
Spotlight / Royce Howland

Royce is quite active in the teaching side of photography, holding printing workshops and authoring many articles. Before meeting him in person I already had heard of him through his many articles and through the IRIS Photographic Society of Alberta; a non-profit photographic society he co-founded. I’m very glad to know him and consider him a […]
Spotlight / Anne-Laure Autin

I met Anne-Laure a few years ago when we used to both shoot in the wedding industry in Calgary. I am captivated by how well she is able to bring out the essence of her subjects whist projecting her thoughts and emotions into the portrait. We’ve become good friends and can easily spend a whole afternoon […]