Second Skin & Other Anecdotes / Exhibition at Inglewood Fine Arts

It’s been quite awhile since my last post. A lot of life events have happened in 2017. The most notable, I’m now a father!! More about that later as I get back into a regular schedule of posting the latest photography news. Now about my latest work… Second Skin & Other Anecdotes In the 1970’s […]
2017 Capture Photography Festival / Vancouver Photo Book Fair

For the entire month of April, photographic art from local and international photo-based artists will be on display in Vancouver, BC. The fourth annual Capture Photography Festival proves to be a very exciting show of more than 100 photography exhibitions in 70 galleries, public art and photo events. In the very short time frame of five years, […]
Third Dawn / New Print Release

It has been quite some time since I’ve released a new print. Throughout this time I have been actively shooting for the Slice of Life series; I just haven’t had time to share them. Third Dawn was shot New Year’s Day, 2015. The New Dawn series is a set of images that I’ve captured during […]
Open Image 2015 at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

I’m happy to announce that one of my images, Coming of Age is currently on display at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. It is part of a juried group show of 25 Alberta visual artists organized by Visual Arts Alberta (CARFAC). It will be there until September 27th. After Calgary, the show will be travelling to […]
Riveting Trash-Based Photographs With Environmental Significance / My Modern Met Article

My Modern Met has featured Alejandro Durán’s Washed Up series. The series depicts Durán’s take on environmental issues that are currently in Sian Ka’an, Mexico’s largest federally-protected reserve. Durán explains, “The resulting photo series depicts a new form of colonization by consumerism, where even undeveloped land is not safe from the far-reaching impact of […]
Pictures from Realities Apart and Instant Two Opening Receptions & Talk / Thank you!

I wanted to thank everyone who came out to my openings this month. Instant Two showing alongside Patrick Rochon and Michael Sturgeon at Endeavor Arts Gallery. Also, Realities Apart, a group show with Andrew Millar at Inglewood Fine Arts. This Saturday, February 28th is the last day to check out the work. I’ll be attending […]
May Desktop Wallpaper / Dance to the Morning Light

Before a photo shoot I like to scope out my location. This particular shoot I was scouting for was to have a mountainous background for a car in the foreground. This particular day quite cloudy. It was so cloudy in fact that I couldn’t even see any of the mountains. What do you do when […]