Vertigo Theatre Exhibition / January to June 2017

A few of my prints from the Slice of Life series was selected for a six month exhibition (January to June, 2017) in the Vertigo Theatre lobby. If you’re planning on checking out one of their many superb plays, enjoy the artwork in the lobby before or after the performance!
Google Nik Collection is Now Free

Nik Software has been a leader in digital imaging plug-ins and tools for quite some time now. Established in 1995 and based in San Diego, 2012 was a pivotal year for the software company. In September of that year they were bought out by the mighty, giant, Google. Within their lineup they have: Analog Efex […]
2016 Exposure Photography Festival

The 2016 Exposure Photography Festival is in full swing and besides the PULSE show that I’m a part of, I thought I’d share with you some exhibits that I have already seen or recommend seeing in the Southern Alberta area. EXHIBITIONS Focus 2016! The Foothills Camera Club is showcasing the work of its members through […]
Spotlight / Andrew Millar

I met Andrew in 2014 when we began planning our group show, Realities Apart. Inglewood Fine Arts liked how our abstract styles complimented each other and so we did a talk on our artistic process. Andrew has a great eye and esthetic for seeing the abstract world. I’m happy to call him a friend and […]
Spotlight / Royce Howland

Royce is quite active in the teaching side of photography, holding printing workshops and authoring many articles. Before meeting him in person I already had heard of him through his many articles and through the IRIS Photographic Society of Alberta; a non-profit photographic society he co-founded. I’m very glad to know him and consider him a […]
Spotlight / Anne-Laure Autin

I met Anne-Laure a few years ago when we used to both shoot in the wedding industry in Calgary. I am captivated by how well she is able to bring out the essence of her subjects whist projecting her thoughts and emotions into the portrait. We’ve become good friends and can easily spend a whole afternoon […]
PULSE Photography Exhibition

The Alberta Exposure Photography Festival is in its 12th year and I am happy to announce I will be joining some great talent in a group show during the festival. PULSE is a group photography exhibition between myself and three other photographers at Inglewood Fine Arts in Calgary. Leading up to the opening on Friday, […]
Burning Man 2015 / A First Timer’s Perspective on the Best Place on Earth

A few weeks ago I spent some time at Black Rock City, Nevada. To those who aren’t familiar with Black Rock City, it is a temporary city of approximately 70,000 people. You may of heard of it as: Burning Man. Here are a few highlights and my perspective as a first time Burner. Or, if […]
Open Image 2015 at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

I’m happy to announce that one of my images, Coming of Age is currently on display at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. It is part of a juried group show of 25 Alberta visual artists organized by Visual Arts Alberta (CARFAC). It will be there until September 27th. After Calgary, the show will be travelling to […]
The Best Messenger Camera Bag

In 2014 I was introduced to a great new camera strap; the Leash camera strap was a great solution for my Fuji X30. I was so excited I even did an unboxing video of it. This year, I switched from my LowePro system to the Peak Design Slide strap. Peak Design has been a great […]
Using Drones for Dramatic Nature Photos / Popphoto Article

Jon Cornforth of (Popular Photograph Magazine) wrote an article recently on using drones for nature photos. Drones are everywhere these days. They are the newest gadget, fad, trend or whatever you want to call it; and it’s here to stay. It’s just a matter of time until someone uses a drone for wedding photography. […]
Desolation Photographs by Scott Dimond / Opening Reception

Scott Dimond is a photographer based in Calgary, Alberta. He likes to photograph landscapes, particularly natural scenes at sunrise/sunset. Scott also photographs abandoned sites, weather old rural homesteads or large industrial complexes (1). The topic of his latest show (at Resolve Photo) is Desolation and can be viewed at the opening reception, Thursday, April 9th, […]
Vote for AN.X.O Web Series / Production Stills

AN.X.O is a new web series by writer and producer, Vincent T. Joachim. Vincent is a multi-talented creative who has been a long time friend. I can honestly say I would not be where I am if was not for his guidance early on in my photography career. AN.X.O needs your help. Please vote for […]
National Geographic Master Photo Engineer

National Geographic’s Master Photo Engineer, Kenji Yamaguchi was interviewed recently. He’s the wizard behind many photographic gadgets used by Nat Geo photographers. When photographers come to him with a project or problem he gives them a solution. With over 30 years of experience with Nat Geo, Learn a bit more about Yamaguchi with this short YouTube […]
Viva Cuba

Aiofe and I finally went on our honeymoon after getting married in Tofino last year. We decided on Cuba because we wanted to experience the country before it became too commercial. The timing was perfect because on December 17th, 2014 the United States announced it would normalize relations with Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution in […]
100 Years 100 Faces / Life As a Human Article

Life as a Human is a human interest magazine for evolving minds. I was approached by Life as a Human to be a guest blogger. My photo essay, 100 Years 100 Faces of the Stampede was published by them last week. Click here to read the full article.
Q&A / Calgary Wedding Photographer Recommendation

Hey, My coworker is getting married and they are looking for a photographer. I know you don’t do weddings anymore but any recommendations of people I can give to her? Here are some wedding photographers I know of in the Calgary area. Besides being talented, I will only recommend and vouch for photographers that are […]
Hecktic Travels / 2014 National Geographic Travelers of the Year

Dalene and Pete Heck go by a simple motto, No possessions. No plans. Just travel. As simple as that may sound on paper, there are so many things that make this creed difficult to abide by. In 2009 they sold everything they owned, packed a few essentials into their backpacks and headed for South America. […]
What to Do if Someone Steals Your Photo on Facebook

Using Photos from Facebook As a photographer I’m flattered when someone decides to use my photo for their personal use. It shows that they enjoy it enough to show their network of friends. For me, it becomes a problem or a point of contention, when either of the following happens: 1) Cropping out the watermark […]
10 Bad Photography Habits You Need To Quit Today

There are many top 10 lists floating about the internet, especially with photography. Top 10 cameras, top 10 tripods, top 10 macro lenses, top 10 locations to shoot, etc… the list goes on. What’s rare is to see are top 10 lists devoted on what not to do. Particularly, a list made by photographer Alan Ranger, a […]
Thought Provoking Photos of People Lying in a Week’s Worth of Their Trash / Gregg Segal

Photographer Gregg Segal has created an ongoing series entitled, “7 Days of Garbage”, which shows Californian friends, neighbors, and relative strangers lying in the trash they created in one week. The images are well done and meticulously laid out. The images, to me, evoke thoughts of the environment and our role in the ecosphere. Click here to […]
Nikon D810 Announcement / What’s New

The new D810 It seems just like yesterday to me when the Nikon D800/D800E was first released. I wrote about it back in March 2012. Today, Nikon has announced a new replacement that has consolidated the two versions into one, the D810. After reading the whole First Impressions article on DPreview and a few other reputable […]
Study the Masters: Dorothea Lange / By David duChemin

Dorothea Lange On David’s latest series of blog posts he studies the masters of photography. In this particular post he focuses on Dorothea Lange, who is best known for her work on the American Great Depression. Of her work, an image stands out which many have seen. Click here for the full story. David duChemin […]
Vault Photomag / Magazine Launch

If you’re finding something to do this Thursday evening check out the Vault Photomag launch event. Last year I was approached by photographer and editor / publisher of Vault. Vault was started by Kurtis Martyn to be an on-line resource to showcase photographers from around the world. To celebrate the premier printed issue of Vault […]