NYE 2014 Glitz & Glam Photo Booth

One of my clients, the Four Points by Sheraton had us do our costume booth this year and these are a few random booth pictures that night… Click here for more…. NYE 2014 Glitz & Glam
Exposure 2014 / Calgary Banff Canmore Photography Festival

Every year for the month of February Calgary, Banff and Canmore celebrate photography with the Exposure Festival. There are exhibitions, classes, workshops, talks and other miscellaneous fun events, all photography themed. This year is the 10th anniversary of the festival. Last year I had two exhibits, 100 Years 100 Face of the Stampede and Surreal. […]
Ten Favourite Landscape Images of 2013

In 2008 Jim Goldstein blogged, “10 Ways to Top Your Best 2008 Photographs“. It’s a great tool to use (no matter what year) when trying to narrow down your favourites. Here are my favourite landscape images for 2013 in chronological order: 1. New Dawn Out of sheer luck I was out shooting the very first sunrise […]
December Desktop Wallpaper / Lake O’Hara Sunrise

Instead of the cliché winter scene, for December I thought I would give you a wallpaper that can remind you of what’s in store a few months from now. A cliché spring scene! This year my hometown of Calgary got hit with the worst flooding in its history. Now during the winter months we have […]
Mayor Nenshi Photo Shoot / Mabuhay Calgary

A few weeks ago I was called in by the great editors of Mabuhay Calgary to photograph the Mayor of Calgary, Naheed Nenshi. The photos were for an interview so we didn’t have much time for the shoot. Originally we were going to meet at City Hall but then the plans changed at the […]
Emily & Renny / Taking Care of Business

Renny is a good friend of mine. We’ve known each other for years and have gone through many times together. I’m going to miss the guy when he moves to San Francisco. I was happy to meet his girlfriend Emily, for the first time. The photo session was a surprise for her. I wasn’t sure […]
Angry Priest Loses it on Wedding Photographer

Wedding photographers will get a chuckle out of this one. When I used to shoot weddings I was always taught to treat the wedding ceremony with respect. Part of that respect comes talking to the officiant prior to the ceremony. Always ask what the rules are and what he/she prefers. I even went so far […]
35 and Alive / Glacier National Park

On our way back from Missoula we spent another trip out in Glacier National Park. When I’m surrounded by nature I feel alive. I spent my 35th birthday photographing Glacier National Park, hiking in the woods, sleeping in a tent, making breakfast from a propane stove and spending time with my beautiful wife and soul […]
The Secret to Photographing Waves / Matt Kloskowski

Have you ever thought about the proper techniques when photographing waves in motion? Matt Kloskowski gives a couple valuable techniques to help you capture a great wave/beach shot. Click on the image or here to read more. Matt is a full-time Education Director for Kelby Media Group and a Tampa-based photographer. He’s the Editor of Lightroom Magazine and teaches Photoshop […]
Photos of Burning Man 2013

In case you weren’t aware of the Burning Man Festival, it’s an annual festival where an estimated 68,000 people gather at the playa of Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. The massive pilgrimage of people form a temporary city for a few days. People attend from all walks of life and all parts of the world to […]
What Constitutes Original Art? / Artist Discrimination

The Vulgar Photographer Chase Jarvis wrote a very informative blog post in December of 2012 entitled “the Vulgar Photographer – Trespasser on the Sacred Ground of Fine Art”. Read the article and you’ll get my point when it comes to what people consider fine art. I consider my photographs from the JCFA collection fine art. […]
July Desktop Wallpaper / Island Life – Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day everyone! To celebrate Canada’s beauty in the Rocky Mountains, this month’s free desktop wallpaper is an image I created out in Yoho National Park. I arrived at the location I scouted days before wanting to capture the iconic first bit of golden light on the mountain tops. I waited and waited finally […]
How To Get A Photo Pass for Concerts

Brad Moore is a concert and entertainment photographer from Tampa. In this 500px blog post he talks about how you would go about getting a press/photo pass for concerts. This 500px article talks about how you go about shooting concert photos, finding alternative venues, contacting media, getting the pass, big shows vs. small shows. Click here for […]
Craft & Vision eBook | Lightroom 5 Up to Speed

Everything You Need to Know About the Adobe Lightroom 5 Upgrade Lightroom 5 Up to Speed is written by an Adobe Certified Expert who shows you all the new features and how to get started using the new tools. This 77-page eBook, and the companion videos (50+ minutes), will help you get up to speed with […]
Tips for New Photographers

Quite often I get emails asking how to break into the photography business. Photography is regarded as a cool profession. That being said, most people don’t realize the tremendous work involved in being a professional freelance photographer. There’s so much to being a photographer than just creating images. Marketing, accounting, bookkeeping, sales are all part […]
May Desktop Wallpaper / Dance to the Morning Light

Before a photo shoot I like to scope out my location. This particular shoot I was scouting for was to have a mountainous background for a car in the foreground. This particular day quite cloudy. It was so cloudy in fact that I couldn’t even see any of the mountains. What do you do when […]
March Desktop Wallpaper / Moonlight Over Minnewanka

Back in December last year (2012) I went on a road trip to Banff National Park with Aiofe and her family. We spent the day hiking out in Johnston Canyon and window shopping at the Banff town site. Aiofe, her mom and sister went to the Banff Hot Springs while I took the opportunity to do […]
January Desktop Wallpaper / New Dawn

Happy New Year! To set the year of right I decided to wake up early on New Year’s day. Originally I was going to play some hockey with friends but that didn’t work out so I was up before dawn with nothing to do except catch the sunrise. With no destination in mind I just […]
December Desktop Wallpaper / Canyon Mist

Again, another late wallpaper offering for the month of December. On the bright side you can enjoy it throughout the holidays. This image was taken in Kananaskis Country. It’s an intimate capture of Blue Rock Canyon in the Sheep River Provincial Park. Field Notes: Nikon D800 / Nikon 16-35mm f4.0 @ 27mm f16 / 2 […]
Help-Portrait 2012 | Thanks Vistek

Saturday, December 8th, 2012 marked another successful Help-Portrait campaign in Calgary. Help-Portrait is a worldwide initiative to provide portraits to those who otherwise could not get one. The Calgary volunteers were able to provide over 450 prints during the one day event at the Calgary Drop-In Centre. A big thanks goes out to Vistek for […]
November Desktop Wallpaper / McDougall Memorial United Church

I’ve been swamped the past few weeks and so I’ve been delinquent in delivering this month’s free desktop wallpaper. I hope you can all forgive me. The November 2012 free desktop wallpaper is a long exposure of the McDougall Memorial United Church. I’ve been here a few times before but I’ve never had any luck until now. […]
100 Years 100 Faces of the Stampede | Day 1

When I first thought up this crazy project it took me a few days to decide if I really wanted to do it. It would involve me going to the Stampede almost every day for ten days. Each of those days, instead of trying to win prizes on the midway, instead of going on thrilling […]
Wonders of Science | A Drug that Boosts Productivity and Creativity

Finally, the miracle cure busy photographers have been waiting for: Fauxtographor, creative tablets. A pill that can increase creativity and boost productivity. We’ve all been there. It’s 2am and you’ve got hundreds more photos to edit from the shoot you did the night before. The client wants he or her photos within 48 hours and […]
September Wallpaper / Hang on to Summer

OK, so September’s free wallpaper download isn’t going to make headlines like Apple announcing the iPhone 5 today. But because August came and left in a blink of an eye let’s hang on to summer with this month’s wallpaper. In a few weeks, at the end of this month we’ll be wondering where all the […]