Domingo Lumanog Shoot for Mabuhay Calgary / Fuji X10 Test Shots

For the past few years I’ve had the fortune to work with a talented fashion stylists. Domingo Lumanog has been the creative visionary behind some of my fashion work in the past. Last Sunday I was finally able to point my lens onto Domingo himself. Mabuhay Calgary does a monthly story on Filipinos in our […]
Winners of Night Out at the Movies! 2011

Back in December we held our yearly contest and I’ve finally rounded up the tweets, Facebook posts and emails. The two winners of the Night Out at the Movies for 2011 is…. drum roll please! Dennis de Jesus Jr. Ross Tabalada Each winner will be getting a movie night out good for two movie passes, […]
Nikon Announces D4 Digital SLR

Every few years a camera manufacturer announces a new successor to their previous flagship model. Today, Nikon announced the successor to the D3/D3s/D3x line. The highly anticipated D4 flagship model for Nikon comes just a little bit after Canon announced their 1D X model. Coincidence? Or just clever timing on Nikon to steal the 1D […]