Making a Good Print Great / Resolve Photo Workshop

In these days of 4K resolutions, OLED displays and curved screens, there is still nothing that compares to a well printed photograph on carefully chosen paper. Resolve Photo has been an integral part of my work flow for my fine art work since 2010. When Costas at Resolve Photo suggested I take one of the Open […]
Using Drones for Dramatic Nature Photos / Popphoto Article

Jon Cornforth of (Popular Photograph Magazine) wrote an article recently on using drones for nature photos. Drones are everywhere these days. They are the newest gadget, fad, trend or whatever you want to call it; and it’s here to stay. It’s just a matter of time until someone uses a drone for wedding photography. […]
10 Bad Photography Habits You Need To Quit Today

There are many top 10 lists floating about the internet, especially with photography. Top 10 cameras, top 10 tripods, top 10 macro lenses, top 10 locations to shoot, etc… the list goes on. What’s rare is to see are top 10 lists devoted on what not to do. Particularly, a list made by photographer Alan Ranger, a […]
The Secret to Photographing Waves / Matt Kloskowski

Have you ever thought about the proper techniques when photographing waves in motion? Matt Kloskowski gives a couple valuable techniques to help you capture a great wave/beach shot. Click on the image or here to read more. Matt is a full-time Education Director for Kelby Media Group and a Tampa-based photographer. He’s the Editor of Lightroom Magazine and teaches Photoshop […]
Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner

Photojojo is selling a new Lomography smartphone film scanner. It’s a fun new way to get your 35mm negatives (or positives) scanned. The resolution won’t be as great as a flatbed scanner but for most uses it’s enough. It turns your negative into a positive before you snap a pic of your image. It also […]
Tips for New Photographers

Quite often I get emails asking how to break into the photography business. Photography is regarded as a cool profession. That being said, most people don’t realize the tremendous work involved in being a professional freelance photographer. There’s so much to being a photographer than just creating images. Marketing, accounting, bookkeeping, sales are all part […]
Nikon D800 First Impressions With Test Shot / It Was Worth the Wait

I’m sure everyone’s heard by now that the Nikon D800’s and D4’s were shipped last week (click here to read my post about the Nikon D4). Only a few trickled into some stores here in Calgary and I was one of the fortunate few to get one. I have to admit that I did jump […]
Basic Photo Editing Seminar / Saturday, February 25th, 2012

This weekend on Saturday February 25th, 2012 I’ll hosting my first seminar. Being a well rounded photographer isn’t only about capturing the image right inside the camera but knowing the whole process from start to finish. Digital photo editing is as important as learning darkroom techniques during the film days. We’ll be learning a few […]
Photographer Tools Pt. 1 / Organize With Evernote

Before I started this idea of becoming a full time photographer I didn’t rely on much to keep my calendar in check. I woke up every weekday at the same time went to the same place and did pretty much the same thing until that round device on the wall said it was time to […]
Holiday Greeting Card 2010 / Win Free Movie Passes!

It’s been a little over a year now that I’ve taken this leap into being a full time photographer. I’m going to start the new year off by giving away some movie passes. Read on to learn how! I wanted my greeting cards this year to be more unique. I wanted it to be something […]
Top 10 Tips for Getting Into Stock Photography

If you’ve ever picked up a magazine lately and admired the photos chances are the images you are looking at are stock. The likelihood goes up when you’re looking at advertising for business, travel or lifestyle magazines. The industry started because photographers wanted to make income from the extra images that were not used during shoots. Fast […]