Collide – Synaesthetic Art Installation / Onformative

Collide – digital art installation from onformative on Vimeo. Collide is a synaesthetic art installation by the creative team Onformative. Collide was created to be an immersive experience of sound, motion and colour. With a 54-channel sound system the user can get lost and submerge themselves in a sea of sound. The 62-foot long digital ribbon […]
How Not to Clean Your Camera After Burning Man

After coming back from Burning Man last year and again this year I’ve had to clean my camera pretty thoroughly. This hilarious video is of course a joke so don’t try this at home! Can’t see the video? Click here (opens YouTube) The best way to keep your DSLR camera clean in a dusty environment […]
Back From Burning Man / Teaser Pictures

As I’m writing this post it has already been over three weeks since I left the Playa which is home to Black Rock City. Playa is a term used to describe the vast area of flat, dried up land that hosts art cars, art installations, music and structures that are set on fire. Here are […]