Star Wars: The Force Awakens Was Shot on Film / May the Film be With You

After filing for bankruptcy back in 2012, and then bouncing back slightly, Kodak’s commercial film division is looking forward to clearer skies. The director for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, J.J. Abrams, chose to use film for parts of the movie. Kodak 65mm to be exact. Yes, besides all the digital effects by new […]
Babel Death Star Going to Visible Verse Festival in Vancouver

Earlier this year I released a short film project along with Calgary Poet and good friend, Kirk Ramdath. Our film, Babel Death Star made the 2014 Visible Verse Festival in Vancouver. We will be going to Vancouver this weekend to see the short film on the big screen. The festival is a one […]
Babel Death Star / Online Screening

Babel Death Star is a short film based on the poem by Kirk Ramdath. Babel Death Star appears in Kirk’s book, Love in a Handful of Dust published by Frontenac House. Filmed on location at historic Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump and other locations in southern Alberta. The score is Mistake (Davide Rossi Re-Work – Instrumental) by Moby. […]
Babel Death Star / A Short Film

Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to watch the release of Babel Death Star on Wednesday March 5th, 2014. Babel Death Star is a short film project that I did with nationally acclaimed Canadian poet Kirk Ramdath. Kirk is also the Publisher and Editor in Chief of Wax Poetry and Art Magazine. […]
My Confession / I’m an Addict

My Confession If you’ve been following my blog for some time now you’ll know that I do regular posts entitled “What Inspires You“. My very first post about inspiration was about film and the movie The Godfather. In fact, I watch 2-3 movies per week and sometimes more. I am always excited for the next […]
Best Superbowl Commercial of 2012

What makes a Superbowl commercial? You have to be witty, funny, concise, smart and evoke emotion all within about a minute. Not unlike a photograph you have one chance to get your viewers to see your story and feel what you are feeling. The emotion that you get out of watching this commercial is something […]
Best of Superbowl Commercials 2012

Every year we tune in to one of the biggest sporting events in team sports. The big Superbowl game. If you’re like me then you’re not watching the big game because you want to see who ranks supreme in football but commercials. The commercials are teeming with superstar actors and sometimes production budgets bigger than […]
Winners of Night Out at the Movies! 2011

Back in December we held our yearly contest and I’ve finally rounded up the tweets, Facebook posts and emails. The two winners of the Night Out at the Movies for 2011 is…. drum roll please! Dennis de Jesus Jr. Ross Tabalada Each winner will be getting a movie night out good for two movie passes, […]
Winners of Night Out at the Movies! / Jeff’s Movie Recommendations

Are you like me and still have your Christmas tree sitting in your living room? It’s probably because you’re too busy or don’t want the holidays to end. In any case we are in full swing for the new year and what better way to break the post holiday blues with some good old fashioned […]
All I Want For Christmas Is Photography

Hey everyone, just a quick post on some of the photography related gifts I got for Christmas this year… What The Duck is a comic strip by the talented Aaron Johnson. It follows the life of a photographer who happens to be a duck. Imagine why I can relate? :) The book is a […]
Holiday Greeting Card 2010 / Win Free Movie Passes!

It’s been a little over a year now that I’ve taken this leap into being a full time photographer. I’m going to start the new year off by giving away some movie passes. Read on to learn how! I wanted my greeting cards this year to be more unique. I wanted it to be something […]
What Inspires You? Pt. 1

This is my first post in what hopes to be a long and perhaps never ending segment on inspiration. Sometimes we lose track of what inspires us to create. I know that I’m guilty of this quite often. We are too busy trying to pay the bills, get to work on time, driving the kids […]