2015 Gallery Schedule / New Print Releases

I’m happy to announce I’m booked for 3 exhibitions next year. I’m very excited to be returning to the wonderful Endeavor Arts gallery and event space during Exposure Photography Festival in February. Inglewood Fine Arts has also invited me to show my latest abstract work alongside esteemed photographer, Andrew Millar. I am also happy to say […]
Studio Open House & Sale / Knock Knock

My studio, located at the Untitled Art Society is having an open house and sale tomorrow, Friday, November 14th (6-11pm). We are located on the 4th floor of 319 10th Avenue SW (use back alley entrance). We’ll have all the member’s studios open for viewing and have a group showing in the halls. There’ll be […]
Beakerhead 2014 Photos / A smash up of art, science and engineering

When I first heard about Beakerhead late last year I instantly wanted to be a part of it. There’s nothing quite like Beakerhead, it’s a perfect smash up of art, science and engineering. These three elements create the perfect combination to capture some interesting photos. I was too late to get involved with them last […]
Newest Release – Away / 25% off all artwork in August

The latest release from the JCFA collection is entitled “Away”. From now till the end of August 2014 enjoy 25% off all art prints and framing from the JCFA collection. It’s offered in 3 size editions: 36″ X 54″ – EDITION OF 3 24″ X 36″ – EDITION OF 10 16″ X 24″ – […]
Thought Provoking Photos of People Lying in a Week’s Worth of Their Trash / Gregg Segal

Photographer Gregg Segal has created an ongoing series entitled, “7 Days of Garbage”, which shows Californian friends, neighbors, and relative strangers lying in the trash they created in one week. The images are well done and meticulously laid out. The images, to me, evoke thoughts of the environment and our role in the ecosphere. Click here to […]
Honoured Alongside Art Wolfe

PhotoShelter Selects PhotoShelter is a great business partner. I have been using their image and album hosting tools since 2010. I say they’re my business partner because to me, they are so much more than just an online album service. In addition to their core service, they hold webinars, send out regular eBooks and best […]
Babel Death Star / A Short Film

Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to watch the release of Babel Death Star on Wednesday March 5th, 2014. Babel Death Star is a short film project that I did with nationally acclaimed Canadian poet Kirk Ramdath. Kirk is also the Publisher and Editor in Chief of Wax Poetry and Art Magazine. […]
Vault Photomag / Magazine Launch

If you’re finding something to do this Thursday evening check out the Vault Photomag launch event. Last year I was approached by photographer and editor / publisher of Vault. Vault was started by Kurtis Martyn to be an on-line resource to showcase photographers from around the world. To celebrate the premier printed issue of Vault […]
Festival Nation / Photography Exhibit

View & Purchase Artwork Closing Reception Information FESTIVAL NATION is a long-term project that explores the emerging culture and movement of transformative gatherings, through multiple themes. This first series explores the theme of Celebration. The celebration atmosphere, created with the music, costumes, and visuals first attracts many to these transformative gatherings. For thousands of years […]
Exposure 2014 / Calgary Banff Canmore Photography Festival

Every year for the month of February Calgary, Banff and Canmore celebrate photography with the Exposure Festival. There are exhibitions, classes, workshops, talks and other miscellaneous fun events, all photography themed. This year is the 10th anniversary of the festival. Last year I had two exhibits, 100 Years 100 Face of the Stampede and Surreal. […]
eBook / Creative Photography 10 Easy Pieces / Richard Burnaby

I really enjoy reading about my passion and I also love sharing them in the hopes it inspires and delights others too. Here’s another free eBook I found by Richard Burnaby (taken from http://www.earthandlight.biz) About the eBook Richard Bernabe offers “Ten Easy Pieces” toward more creative photography in this very informative, fun-to-read book. From making the […]
Ten Favourite Landscape Images of 2013

In 2008 Jim Goldstein blogged, “10 Ways to Top Your Best 2008 Photographs“. It’s a great tool to use (no matter what year) when trying to narrow down your favourites. Here are my favourite landscape images for 2013 in chronological order: 1. New Dawn Out of sheer luck I was out shooting the very first sunrise […]
December Desktop Wallpaper / Lake O’Hara Sunrise

Instead of the cliché winter scene, for December I thought I would give you a wallpaper that can remind you of what’s in store a few months from now. A cliché spring scene! This year my hometown of Calgary got hit with the worst flooding in its history. Now during the winter months we have […]
November Desktop Wallpaper / Rebirth

October was quite the hectic month. I did a talk for the Foothills Camera Club about inspiration. I shot images at the Calgary Zoo to aid in the post-flood efforts (thanks to Vistek for providing the equipment). I shot out at Emerald Lake in Yoho National park with my Dad. And November is looking like it’s […]
Happy Four Year Anniversary / Free Poster Offer

Thanks for a great 4 years! Today marks the four year anniversary of my photography business. On October 15th, 2009 my company was registered. To commemorate this milestone I have released four new prints from the JCFA collection. These group of four images are among the first of my abstraction series. Here they are (click […]
September Desktop Wallpaper / Stand by Me

My good friend Dave and I headed out to the Crowsnest Pass area about a month ago and I just finally got a chance to review the images. Dave is a great night photographer and often has great ideas for me. For instance, I left my cable release at home. A good cable release / […]
33 Photos With Powerful Reflections

August has been a busy month and so I took some time off from the blog. To get back into the groove for September I thought I’d share with you some pretty neat reflection images from Popular Photography Magazine. If you remember back in June I visited Lake O’Hara in Yoho National Park for […]
August Desktop Wallpaper / Indentity

Summer is here and most things are in full bloom. I captured this image while shooting for Astral Harvest Music & Arts Festival. Astral Harvest asked us to capture the spirit and essence of their festival and I happily accepted. My good friend Chris was there to help me with lighting. Thanks Chris! To see […]
What Constitutes Original Art? / Artist Discrimination

The Vulgar Photographer Chase Jarvis wrote a very informative blog post in December of 2012 entitled “the Vulgar Photographer – Trespasser on the Sacred Ground of Fine Art”. Read the article and you’ll get my point when it comes to what people consider fine art. I consider my photographs from the JCFA collection fine art. […]
May Desktop Wallpaper / Dance to the Morning Light

Before a photo shoot I like to scope out my location. This particular shoot I was scouting for was to have a mountainous background for a car in the foreground. This particular day quite cloudy. It was so cloudy in fact that I couldn’t even see any of the mountains. What do you do when […]
March Desktop Wallpaper / Moonlight Over Minnewanka

Back in December last year (2012) I went on a road trip to Banff National Park with Aiofe and her family. We spent the day hiking out in Johnston Canyon and window shopping at the Banff town site. Aiofe, her mom and sister went to the Banff Hot Springs while I took the opportunity to do […]
Exhibiting My Work in the 2013 Exposure Photography Festival

Every year in February, the Banff / Canmore / Calgary region is host to the Exposure Photography Festival. Last year I showed an exhibit of my Instant Art project at the Resolution Art Gallery. This year I’m having two exciting new exhibits. The first show is called “100 Years 100 Faces of the Stampede”. The […]
December Desktop Wallpaper / Canyon Mist

Again, another late wallpaper offering for the month of December. On the bright side you can enjoy it throughout the holidays. This image was taken in Kananaskis Country. It’s an intimate capture of Blue Rock Canyon in the Sheep River Provincial Park. Field Notes: Nikon D800 / Nikon 16-35mm f4.0 @ 27mm f16 / 2 […]
Stampede Western Photo Gallery / Horseshoe Bend on Display

The 100th anniversary Calgary Stampede has come and gone. During the 10 days my photo, “Horseshoe Bend” was on display at the Western Oasis along with some other spectacular photos by some great artists. The line-up for the opening night of the art show. Friends and family that came out to support me (L-R: Krystal, […]