A Month in Review / March 2011

Wow… time seems to fly doesn’t it? It just feels like yesterday when I got back from Vegas and the WPPI convention where I learned so much from other industry leading professionals. The picture above is from my trip last year to Arizona and Utah with my good friends Chris and Chris (yes, a couple with the exact name.. I call them C+C Music Factory, how cool is that?). The picture sums up what my March was like. A big blue, ever changing sky with lots of interesting new possibilities.
- My brother celebrated his 27th birthday!! He also moved into his own condo and got a new job… Awww my little brother is all grown up :) Love ya!
- My Dad celebrated his 65th birthday!! Woo hoo… Congrats Dad! You’re the main reason why I’m a photographer today! Love ya too!
- Took a CreativeLive online course with Vincent Laforet on video production (more to come on that!)
- Made some new industry connections by joining Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC)
- Did a new installation of my fine art collection at Sushi Club in Kensington. Check it out if you love Sushi! Best in Calgary!
- Did a shoot for the Cinderella Project. They are a group that organizes getting prom dresses for girls that are in need.
- A shoot for a new client. Platoon FX Fitness is a full physical fiteness experience.
- Five of my photos got accepted to this year’s Stampede Western Photo Gallery. If you’re going to the Calgary Stampede this year check it out at the BMO centre.
- Did another travel Article for Mabuhay Calgary (Destination: Antigua)
- Photographed the Signal Hill Public Library opening.
- Did a photo marketing shoot for the Calgary Public Library board members.
- And last but not least I’m still working on my new fine art website…. stay tuned for that!!

My dad cutting his cake :)
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This entry was posted on Friday, April 1st, 2011 at 11:53 am. It is filed under Personal and tagged with Calgary, inspiration, personal, photographer.
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