Monkey Selfie: copyright focusing in on animal rights

In September 2015 PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), filed a lawsuit in US federal court to grant Naruto (a free crested macaque monkey in Indonesia), the author and copyright owner of his famous selfie picture. Naruto took some flattering selfies using a British nature photographer’s camera. The photos gained popularity and PETA was […]
One Night Only Studio Open House & Sale / OPEN

On Friday, November 20th we are having an open house at Untitled Studios. I will have some older and discontinued prints on display heavily discounted for this one night only. I will be giving framing demos to anyone interested and we’ll have food and drinks available. The live music will be provided by Ryan Bourne and […]
Making a Good Print Great / Resolve Photo Workshop

In these days of 4K resolutions, OLED displays and curved screens, there is still nothing that compares to a well printed photograph on carefully chosen paper. Resolve Photo has been an integral part of my work flow for my fine art work since 2010. When Costas at Resolve Photo suggested I take one of the Open […]
Microsoft’s Project Oxford Can Figure Out the Emotions Of People In Photos | Popular Photography

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has always had a keen interest in digital imaging. Just remember, he founded Corbis in 1989. Today the image licencing (stock photo) giant has over 100 million images and 800 thousand videos in its library. Today, Microsoft is working on something called Oxford. It is an algorithm that can detect the […]
Peak Design Slide Camera Strap Unboxing

The Slide Camera Sling Strap by Peak Design now comes in two more colours blue (as shown) and red. I took the opportunity to get a second strap for my backup camera body because I loved the design so much. Want to know what makes it stand out among the thousands of other straps? Have […]
Forever is Part of the NPS Exhibition Tour

I’m happy to announce my image Forever was selected to part of the Nikon Professional Services (NPS) 2015 Exhibition Tour. The exhibition tour is a curated show consisting of NPS members. The tour will go across Canada; exhibits will be held in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver. If you would like to attend the event send me an […]
Burning Man 2015 / A First Timer’s Perspective on the Best Place on Earth

A few weeks ago I spent some time at Black Rock City, Nevada. To those who aren’t familiar with Black Rock City, it is a temporary city of approximately 70,000 people. You may of heard of it as: Burning Man. Here are a few highlights and my perspective as a first time Burner. Or, if […]
Open Image 2015 at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium

I’m happy to announce that one of my images, Coming of Age is currently on display at the Southern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium. It is part of a juried group show of 25 Alberta visual artists organized by Visual Arts Alberta (CARFAC). It will be there until September 27th. After Calgary, the show will be travelling to […]
The Best Messenger Camera Bag

In 2014 I was introduced to a great new camera strap; the Leash camera strap was a great solution for my Fuji X30. I was so excited I even did an unboxing video of it. This year, I switched from my LowePro system to the Peak Design Slide strap. Peak Design has been a great […]
2015 Dads and Grads Photography Gift Guide / Popphoto

Popular Photography has listed 18 interesting gifts for the dads and grads out there. From external hard drives to camera triggers, if you’re wondering what to get that special someone this may give you some ideas. Click here for the full article on Popular Photography
Q&A / Remote Triggers or Shutter Releases Explained

Do you have a remote timer for camera? I going to buy one for my Canon but not sure which one is good. Can you recommend one? -Yaz Remote Triggers / Shutter Releases Explained Something to trigger your camera shutter remotely is always a must-have tool. There are various kinds of triggers and different names […]
Setting Sails / New Print Release

The newest release in my Slice of Life series is entitled Setting Sails. I created this image while Aiofe and I were on our honeymoon in Cuba last year. I noticed the wildly vibrant colours of the wind sails against the backdrop of the sky. To me, this image is an abstract representation of moving on […]
Using Drones for Dramatic Nature Photos / Popphoto Article

Jon Cornforth of (Popular Photograph Magazine) wrote an article recently on using drones for nature photos. Drones are everywhere these days. They are the newest gadget, fad, trend or whatever you want to call it; and it’s here to stay. It’s just a matter of time until someone uses a drone for wedding photography. […]
Desolation Photographs by Scott Dimond / Opening Reception

Scott Dimond is a photographer based in Calgary, Alberta. He likes to photograph landscapes, particularly natural scenes at sunrise/sunset. Scott also photographs abandoned sites, weather old rural homesteads or large industrial complexes (1). The topic of his latest show (at Resolve Photo) is Desolation and can be viewed at the opening reception, Thursday, April 9th, […]
The Visual Toolbox: 60 Lessons for Stronger Photographs / David duChemin

I always say in photography, just like in many things creative, gear and technique are tools. Know when to use them and how to use them and your vision will know no bounds. Every once in awhile I want to share a book I think is worth reading. To be honest, I have not yet […]
Jobu Design L-Bracket (for Nikon D800) Unboxing Video

A few years ago I picked up an L-bracket for my Nikon D800 (Model: LB-ND800). The L-bracket was designed and manufactured by Jobu Design. This particular L-bracket is Arca-Swiss compatible and is machined from solid aluminum (verses being bent into shape). It was one of my favourite pieces of equipment and is instrumental when I […]
Vote for AN.X.O Web Series / Production Stills

AN.X.O is a new web series by writer and producer, Vincent T. Joachim. Vincent is a multi-talented creative who has been a long time friend. I can honestly say I would not be where I am if was not for his guidance early on in my photography career. AN.X.O needs your help. Please vote for […]
7 Smartphone Photography Tips

The good folks at COOPH (Cooperative of Photography) have created a viral video that shows seven great tips to improve your smartphone photography. Some of these tips are quite interesting, I’ll have to try them out myself sometime. Can’t see the video? Click here (opens YouTube)
Pictures from Realities Apart and Instant Two Opening Receptions & Talk / Thank you!

I wanted to thank everyone who came out to my openings this month. Instant Two showing alongside Patrick Rochon and Michael Sturgeon at Endeavor Arts Gallery. Also, Realities Apart, a group show with Andrew Millar at Inglewood Fine Arts. This Saturday, February 28th is the last day to check out the work. I’ll be attending […]
Realities Apart Reception & Talk / February 21st, 2015

This Saturday, February 21st, 2015, Andrew Millar and I will be at Inglewood Fine Arts for our reception and talk. We’ll be presenting and discussing our work and the group show entitled Realities Apart. Realities Apart is part of the month long Exposure Photography Festival here in Alberta. The exhibition is from January 31st till February […]
National Geographic Master Photo Engineer

National Geographic’s Master Photo Engineer, Kenji Yamaguchi was interviewed recently. He’s the wizard behind many photographic gadgets used by Nat Geo photographers. When photographers come to him with a project or problem he gives them a solution. With over 30 years of experience with Nat Geo, Learn a bit more about Yamaguchi with this short YouTube […]
Q&A / Venues for Showing and Selling Art for Emerging Artists

Hey Jeff! I was wondering if I could bug you for some advice. My friend wants to have a gallery night for his work. I was wondering how and where we could get a venue to hold such a thing? Do you have any recommendations or advice? Thanks in advance! The first thing I would […]
Viva Cuba

Aiofe and I finally went on our honeymoon after getting married in Tofino last year. We decided on Cuba because we wanted to experience the country before it became too commercial. The timing was perfect because on December 17th, 2014 the United States announced it would normalize relations with Cuba. After the Cuban Revolution in […]
2015 Gallery Schedule / New Print Releases

I’m happy to announce I’m booked for 3 exhibitions next year. I’m very excited to be returning to the wonderful Endeavor Arts gallery and event space during Exposure Photography Festival in February. Inglewood Fine Arts has also invited me to show my latest abstract work alongside esteemed photographer, Andrew Millar. I am also happy to say […]