What Inspires You? Pt. 2

It’s been awhile since I wrote a blog post about inspiration.  I thought it was about time I talked about it again.  This time the theme is inspiration to keep going and moving on.  Last week I was fortunate enough to meet one of my inspirations and heros.  Zack Arias, an editorial and commercial photographer based in Atlanta taught a week long lighting workshop.  Not only did I learn multiple lighting techniques but I learned about transformation.

All artists have to start from somewhere.  “We all suck at one point or another” as Zack says.  The journey of honing and shaping our craft into something we are proud is what counts.  Take your time, always want it but never expect it.

After meeting Zack I found out of a video he made a few years back.  He speaks the truth about how we might be feeling sometimes.  Zack, if you’re out there reading this post I want to thank you for the time you shared with all of us in Missoula.  You are an inspiration to me.

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3 Responses to “What Inspires You? Pt. 2”

  1. Joel says:

    I stumbled upon Zack’s vid last year. Really liked his message!

  2. Frank Grygier says:

    Jeff, Great post and I echo your sentiments. “Transform” is an inspirational work of art and one of the reasons I wanted to meet Zack. I learned as much about life from Zack as I did about photography.

    • Jeff Cruz says:

      Thanks Frank! I felt really lucky to learn from him and from everyone at the workshop. I hope we get to run into everyone at the workshop again someday.