Wonders of Science | A Drug that Boosts Productivity and Creativity

Finally, the miracle cure busy photographers have been waiting for: Fauxtographor, creative tablets. A pill that can increase creativity and boost productivity. We’ve all been there. It’s 2am and you’ve got hundreds more photos to edit from the shoot you did the night before. The client wants he or her photos within 48 hours and […]
October Wallpaper / Moonlight Spot

Last week I was out with my buddies Dave and Manuel from Vistek who are also avid night photographers. We were out trying to make the most out of the Harvest Moon and the unbelievably warm weather. We went to Yoho National Park and captured some images from Emerald Lake and Takakkaw Falls near Field, […]
September Wallpaper / Hang on to Summer

OK, so September’s free wallpaper download isn’t going to make headlines like Apple announcing the iPhone 5 today. But because August came and left in a blink of an eye let’s hang on to summer with this month’s wallpaper. In a few weeks, at the end of this month we’ll be wondering where all the […]
First Winner of the Round Pixel Report Reader Giveaway!

A few months ago when the Round Pixel Report first started we announced we’d be giving away $20 gift cards to Vistek, Canada’s largest professional and consumer one-stop shop for photo, video and digital imaging. Our first winner is none other than Peter Doan! Thanks Peter for subscribing and reading the Round Pixel Report, the […]
August Wallpaper / Beat the Heat

The August long weekend just passed and we are currently in a heat wave here where I’m from. One way to beat the heat is to take a dip in some nice cool water. This is the theme for this month’s free desktop wallpaper. This was the scene I saw on our way out to […]
What Inspires You? Pt. 3

In the past I’ve written a few posts asking the question, “what inspires you?” It’s been quite awhile since I did an inspiration post so once I saw this video on YouTube of Ken Block doing his 5th installment of his Gymkhana series I was, let’s just say, QUITE inspired. Now granted, a race car […]
Missoula, Montana / Part 1: Big Sky Country

Published by: Mabuhay Calgary February 2012, 5th Edition Volume III Copyright: Mabuhay Calgary Perhaps because of its wide, vast, open land, Montana is known as Big Sky Country. When I heard the famous and talented editorial and commercial photographer Zack Arias would be teaching in a town called Missoula I immediately jumped at the chance to take an […]
Is It Possible to Fake a Professional Photographer?

The brilliant guys at DigitalRevTV did an interesting experiment. They took a non-photographer and showed him the ropes for a week and put him up against a real professional photographer. They tried to find out if someone could spot the fake. It’s an interesting point that they make. Fancy gear and expensive equipment doesn’t make […]
Stampede Western Photo Gallery / Horseshoe Bend on Display

The 100th anniversary Calgary Stampede has come and gone. During the 10 days my photo, “Horseshoe Bend” was on display at the Western Oasis along with some other spectacular photos by some great artists. The line-up for the opening night of the art show. Friends and family that came out to support me (L-R: Krystal, […]
Leah & Nick Engagement Teaser Shot

I met Leah & Nick last year and totally hit it off with them. I also met Leah’s mother who is adorable. I can’t wait for their wedding in September. Here’s a teaser shot of their engagement session from Fish Creek park in Calgary. It started pouring rain a few hours before the photo shoot. […]
July Wallpaper / Happy Canada Day

As Canada Day is fast approaching I’d like to make July’s free wallpaper download related to what most Canadians like to do during Canada Day. Camping is a popular and favourite pastime for Canadians and so I’m offering “Forever” as a downloadable wallpaper. It will fit most displays up to 27″. “Forever” was taken out […]
Instant Art Featured on Anne Wright Photography Blog / Father’s Day Gift Ideas

I was happy to see that Anne Wright a talented and wonderful photographer in Calgary blogged about Father’s Day emergency gift ideas. With it being only one full day left for Father’s Day if you haven’t gotten your dad anything yet she has some really unique ideas that won’t break the bank. One of the […]
West Coast Part 3 / Seattle, Coffee Central of the Pacific

Published by: Mabuhay Calgary February 2011, 5th Edition Volume II Copyright: Mabuhay Calgary West Coast Part 3 / Seattle, Coffee Central of the Pacific – Article and Photos by: Jeff Cruz In order to get to Seattle we boarded a United States ferry in Syndey, BC, which is just outside of Victoria. The ferry was […]
Annie Leibovitz at Work / I’ll Bet You’ll Enjoy This Book

Part of the reason why I love photography so much is it allows me to express my vision and emotions into a single image. Finding out what other photographers love and are passionate about makes me a better photographer. Annie Leibovitz’s book entitled: Annie Liebovitz at Work is an amazing read. My friend Noel who […]
I Popped the Question / Our Bermuda Engagement

It was great to come home last week to good weather. Aiofe and I were spoiled with great weather Being in Bermuda for a few weeks. We brought back good weather and good news. We are engaged!! A good friend and great photographer, Jacqueline Elizabeth Morrison was there in Bermuda as well to be my […]
Verde & Scott Bermuda Wedding / Teaser Picture

A good friend of mine from high school moved to Bermuda about six years ago. I was fortunate enough to share the day with them as they asked me to photograph their wedding. Here is a teaser shot. I love this photo so much because it captures the moment, unscripted. And that’s what love is… […]
Bermuda in Black & White / A Mini Project

Which camera should I bring for my holiday? I’ve been in Bermuda for almost a week shooting a wedding this weekend, we decided to arrive a few days early and take in some much needed R&R. Since being on vacation Aiofe and I have gone to many places throughout the beautiful islands of Bermuda. The […]
Ronald McDonald House Southern Alberta / Helping Sick Children

How I got to meet the great people at the Calgary Ronald McDonald House Southern Alberta One word: Instagram. Early last year I downloaded an app for my iPhone called Instagram. Instagram is a social networking application much like Twitter except instead of 128 characters to socialize you take pictures. On Instagram met Larry Mathieson […]
Nikon D800 First Impressions With Test Shot / It Was Worth the Wait

I’m sure everyone’s heard by now that the Nikon D800’s and D4’s were shipped last week (click here to read my post about the Nikon D4). Only a few trickled into some stores here in Calgary and I was one of the fortunate few to get one. I have to admit that I did jump […]
Kababayan Spotlight: Domingo Lumanog / Calgary’s Filipino-Canadian fashion stylist

In January I blogged about the photo shoot I decided to do with my point and shoot style camera the Fuji X10. The shoot was an editorial shoot with the always fashionable stylist Domingo Lumanog. Domingo recently picked up and moved to Toronto so Calgary is missing him dearly. The article was released this month in […]
Instant Art Opening Reception / Thanks for Attending!

Two Fridays ago on February 17th, 2012 we had the opening reception to show the work from my latest project, Instant Art. I wanted to thank everyone that attended or that’s gone to see the exhibit since then. The last day to see the work is this Sunday, March 4th. The list of guests is […]
Have Fun In Everything You Do / Filipino Traffic Cop Doing His Job Like A Boss
This is a quick post to share a really strong philosophy of mine. I try to have fun with whatever I’m doing. No matter if it’s vacuuming the carpet, organizing my closet or staring at a computer screen editing photos I’d rather be behind the camera capturing images. I’d be doing photography 24/7 if I could. […]
Basic Photo Editing Seminar / Saturday, February 25th, 2012

This weekend on Saturday February 25th, 2012 I’ll hosting my first seminar. Being a well rounded photographer isn’t only about capturing the image right inside the camera but knowing the whole process from start to finish. Digital photo editing is as important as learning darkroom techniques during the film days. We’ll be learning a few […]
Instant Art Exhibit / Exposure Photography Festival

Happy Exposure month! For those of you who aren’t familiar with Exposure, it’s a photography festival held in Calgary, Canmore and Banff. It runs through the month of February and there are many events, exhibits and openings to check out. This year I’m showing at the Resolution Art Gallery (located in Kensington). My show, a […]